Our beliefs
Making people feel welcome means giving them a friendly reception and helping them get started in their new environment. We, the members of GlobaLokal, want people to feel welcome when they come to Germany to live and work. Our goal is therefore to support them as they arrive and begin making their way here.
We would therefore like to express our appreciation and openness by recognizing what each individual brings with him or her in terms of skills, knowledge and cultural background. At the same time, we would like – and we expect – that our group’s rules and values will also be appreciated and respected.
Although we are aware that, like everyone, we too have preconceived ideas, we do our best to ensure that they do not influence our behavior towards others, especially those who are new to Germany. We want to be open toward each person and curious about him or her as an individual. Learning about each other in an unbiased manner enriches all our lives.